Album Review

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Album Review

“Are We Enlightened Yet”

ALBUM REVIEW by Susan Varnes-NewlandGuest Writer from Grieve The Astronaut "Are We Enlightened Yet?" (new album by Cyrstal Monkey Project) Well hey, music fans? How are you doing? Geeze, what a crazy, upside-down time it has been. Being separated from each other and missing the connections.Isn’t it WONDERFUL to be back? However, I think we have a lot of emotional baggage to process over.Crystal Monkey Project’s new album “Are We Enlightened Yet” is […]

today07/16/2021 277

Album Review


ALBUM REVIEW by Raymond Hayden Guest Writer - Grieve The Astronaut / HOUSTON / Strangely Alright "Dreaming" (album by Obol) Entrenched in the music industry for well over three decades, I’ve been asked numerous times to review new music and provide feedback. At some point, the monotony of the cookie cutter approach to new music has become nauseating. Its not to say that there isn’t some great new music being produced […]

today10/20/2020 244

Album Review


ALBUM REVIEW by Susan Varnes-NewlandGuest Writer from Grieve The Astronaut "SHINE" (Album by CHAMPAGNE SUNDAY) This past weekend, The Music led me exactly to where I needed to be. Sigillo Cellars in Snoqualmie WA. Married Tacoma duo CHAMPAGNE SUNDAY ( Jessi and Jared Fredeen) were performing. Although I had heard wonderful reviews of their music, I had never experienced it personally. So I was looking forward to that evening’s entertainment.Within a few […]

today01/21/2020 70

Seattle Wave Radio is about discovery for music enthusiasts, locally and globally, and about the music community of emerging artists who call Seattle (or somewhere in the Pacific Northwest) home. The essence of Seattle Wave Radio is in our passion for supporting, promoting and helping artists in any way that is possible for us. We appreciate your support!

Seattle Wave Radio is a Music entertainment website and a curated internet radio station. Every artist can submit their music for possible inclusion on the stations’ playlist and website. SWR operates fully in compliance with US Copyright law, and all music performed is duly licensed by the copyright holder or their authorized agent.
